The President
Trinity Phillips, Master Trainer
nickname - The Dharma Guy
social media - @thedharmaguy
family - he is married to Angel. Father to Trevor, Skylar, Destiny & Trinity, Jr. Son to Kathy Phillips whom is a Ret. Law Enforcement Officer.
occupation - Certified Master Level Trainer, Wellness Coordinator, Spiritual Counselor & Co-Host of The Couch Live radio show.
personal story - I'm not in recovery from substances, but I used to be addicted to a lifestyle that ruined my life & relationships with friends, family and loved ones.
favorite book - Against the Stream by Noah Levine
favorite sports team - 49ers & Notre Dame
vision statement - I believe the N.O.W. Matters More Foundation can help change the lives of everyone it touches and help bring more compassion to the world while changing the stigmas associated with addiction.
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