Samantha Adams


nickname- Sam or Samie

family- A wife to Justin Adams, mother to her toddler Carter Adams, and a daughter to two beautiful angels Ramon and Rebecca Diaz

occupation- Full-time mom and part-time poker dealer

personal story- “I grew up a product of drug abuse and ended up adopted at a very young age. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I ever really saw what drugs did to people. I lost my mom suddenly to cancer, in three weeks I was planning a funeral to someone I was not ready to lose. My dad who was previously addicted to heroin relapsed again. I was pregnant, scared and asked anyone I could to help my dad. I felt alone, my dad wasn’t himself anymore and was just a shell of who he once was. There was only one time he asked for help, and as much as I tried I did not know where to turn, what to look for or how to help him. I felt guilt, and soon his addiction consumed me. He passed away a little just over one year after my mom’s death, from heroin. That’s when I found N.O.W matters more and saw all the amazing things the foundation does for not just addicts but for the family members as well.”

favorite book- Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

favorite movie- The Fault in our Stars

favorite hobby- Writing poetry and spending time with my family

why are you involved with N.O.W.- “I am involved with N.O.W because their mission helps not only people struggling in addiction but also helps the family navigate the difficult stages of addiction and recovery. N.O.W is there to educate, support, and help seek treatment to people who are struggling. N.O.W matters more is there to catch someone in the moment when they finally ask for help, because that moment may never come again. N.O.W matters more is a crutch to lean on for so many people, and I want to help people young and old who may not know where to turn to seek recovery and a sense of peace in their life, because I know how the chaos of addiction can effect not only the addict but so many around them.”