Recovery Walk: NSB 2016
Join US
Join us in the fight against the epidemic that is killing many of our friends and family members every day. Addiction is a disease and we are in the midst of a Heroin & Overdose Epidemic. The stigma related to addiction and those that suffer from it is real and delays or prevents them from seeking help. We ask those in recovery to "come out of the closet" like the LGBTQ+ community has had the courage to do, and let everyone know that recovery is not only possible, but AWESOME!!! Recovery is a lifestyle filled with true friendships, relationships, healthy adventures, and memorable experiences. Ignorance & judgement is no longer acceptable and we are all the solution.
Show up
We need you to help by participating in our events, sharing our messages, and creating more within your own circle of influence. All too often we only show up to vigils and speak about this problem when tragedy strikes. Most everyone knows someone that is suffering right NOW. Every community and culture has a dog in this fight. Increased understanding and awareness helps us improve the funding and access to quality treatment. By showing up to events you show the local officials and community that this issue is important and requires everyones attention. We need them.
Reach out via DM on our Instagram (@nowmattersmore) or our Facebook (The N.O.W Matters More Foundation) to help us out at our events
We appreciate all of the volunteers that help manage our events.
Please be active in sharing our blogs and posts. Interact with us during our programs. Feel free to tag us in other blogs or posts that you think will interest us and help our mission. Do you have a topic that you think we should cover on The Couch Live? Let us know by sending us a message at We always welcome ideas and collaboration.
Sometimes a person only asks for help once and we need to ensure that we help them with treatment options that best meets their needs. We accept offers to tour your facility so that we can guide potential clients properly. We also offer and appreciate scholarships. Should you want to know more about our scholarships program, please contact us at